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Frequently Asked Questions

You got me. No one ever asks questions. But, maybe this will inspire you anyways.

Do you offer speaking engagements?

First off, speaking engagement sounds so fancy. That said, yes, I will come talk to whoever you think it's worth their time. Have a brother that needs a scolding? I'm your guy. Have a classroom of young, maleable minds that you're tired of dealing with? I'll distract them with a powerpoint for an hour. Want to disappoint your employees further? I'm an email away.

It's a fairly short, self-help book that my co-author and I turned into a podcast. In our day jobs, we're both moderately successful cogs, and thought it would be fun and beneficial for other people to get advice from some more realistic "boys-next-door" than these gurus convincing you that your billion dollar life is just around the corner waiting for you. (It's not, trust me, I looked).

Why all the productivity hacks and tools?

I'm a huge fan of data and simple to use tools, especially on the technology front. Anything that can help me improve on goals, track data, or is generally just fun to use gets played with over here. I figured there's no reason to hold back any of the fun things I've tried or made, and of course the lessons learned in the process. Hope it helps!

Are you even a real writer since you self-publish?

Probably not, but that's all right. I've had a blast writing and learning all the weird stuff that pops up when you spend years working on and then trying to sell something. I used to have hair, and now I don't. That must count for something.

You don't look very fit?

That's hurtful. But fair.
I really just like the gym, and working out. And reading about fitness, and trying new things. I also have an insatiable sweet tooth. Oh, and whatever the tooth is called where you want to eat pizza and burgers and fries everynight before getting to dessert.

Honestly, considering my diet, you all should be bowing down to my ability to not show up on the 500 lb loser show.

What is the Learner Trilogy?

It's a fantasy series (three books only, I promise). You could say it's a bit of a blend of Lies of Locke Lamora and Avatar: The Last Airbender. Or at least that's what I'm going for. A Leaf and Pebble is the first book, and was published in 2019. The Tree and Stone, the second, should be out sometime late 2022.