July 4, 2024

December 2023 Progress Picture

November felt great, but did not end up so on the numbers.

December 2023 Progress Picture
December 2023 Progress Picture


Dang. This month felt great. I really expected my muscle mass to be up and my body fat to be down. Overall, it felt like the workouts were really moving and improving, especially on the CrossFit front. My diet was a lot cleaner this month, too. The mirror even seemed to be looking better.
Maybe it was a bad scan, but there was a significant change that even the inbody guy guessed at. Protein. Throughout November, I ended up skipping most of my morning and evening protein shakes I’d been having. (October also suffered from this to a lesser extent). I’m guessing that was the primary cause for the two lbs of muscle loss and two percent gain in body fat percentage.


Crossfit (egads!)

For the sake of transparency, I’ve only been averaging the CrossFit sessions twice a week. They’ve been awesome, and I hate myself for how much I’m liking them. And for consistently missing the third day I’ve been meaning to hit.
Beyond that, I’ve been hitting a little bit more cardio now that my foot’s slightly feeling better. There’s also been a weekly Peloton session, and a day or two at the gym on the weekend getting a solid bit of mobility and strength training added in. Going forward, I’ll be more consistent with the extra CrossFit session, and I’m going to be trying to get a weekly, one day session of the sauna in to see if that has any effect.


Left Foot: Plantar Fasciitis
This is finally seeming to be improving. Managed two pickleball tournaments and two 5ks. The foot was definitely unhappy after, but it wasn’t nearly as debilitating as it has been the last few months. Stretching (downward dog) and using a massage gun on it regularly have seemed to help. And only wearing super cushioned shoes.

Left Wrist
Definitely healing up better. I think another month and it'll be completely gone at this rate. I am keeping it wrapped if doing any kind of hyperextension movement, but the wraps helped me through some power cleans recently without pain so definitely improving.

Right Knee (ACL)

Up until recently, the knees been great. It’s still not hurting, per se, but I think I annoyed or tore the ACL a little more as it’s been. A little unhappy with me day to day.

Right Groin

No problems for a while now, except for a flight to Dallas. It seemed to start hurting on the plane, and then was sketch the rest of the day. Woke up the following day and it was fine.

Left Back, Shoulder Blade/Ribs (Scapula?)
This one’s been semi reoccurring. Seems to be related to pull-ups, though it could also be bench press. Nothing bad, just needs to get stretched and popped back into place. I can’t tell what it is or what the solution for. It’s just an occasional annoyance/discomfort.

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  • Days to Finish

  • Current Numbers:
    Bodyfat %
  • Skeletal Muscle (lbs)
  • Weight (lbs)

Andrew Monroe

Writer and Geek

Like every bald, bearded white guy, I have too many hobbies and not enough time on my hands. Hope you enjoyed this post!

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